Tommy and Liam are still sick. The vomitting continues today so we have a doctor appt this evening. Since Tommy has a Gtube it's slightly easier to keep him hydrated with Pedialite. I say "slightly" because he is still vomitting. Poor boys!
The rest of the family is better. I worked a few hours today and yesterday. Daddy went to work today. Big sister Hannah was at middle school. Big brother Nate though spent the day still recovering. Heavy sigh. This is one yukky bug. I know Braska Bear's mom agrees!
Grace Unhinged -- A mom's daily ramblings of raising a daughter and three sons. Young adults, twin boys, a farm with goats to chickens, gardening and quilting, work and my sweet husband especially. Taking a day at a time and by the grace of God, we make it thru.
Tommy Adventures
- Our week in review
- More Easter egg hunt pictures
- Easter
- World Down Syndrome Day 3/21
- Blankie, hips and underwear
- On your mark, get set, dye eggs!
- Developmental therapy
- Looking ahead
- Speech and Feeding therapy
- Feeling better!
- And the doctor said...
- Still sick
- Happy Birthday Stephanie!
- ...and the bug continues....
- Another bug