Monday, June 20

School's out

Gratitude: Give thanks in all things (Ephesians 5:20).

We made teacher thank you gifts this year for the preschool team.
There are 7 on the teaching team for 10 kids (I believe that was the final number in their morning classroom but I could be off by 1 child that may have snuck in June).
 The preschool team was amazing this year again and I'll post later this week on progress for the duo and what we will be homeschooling on this summer (actually for all four kids,I'm so excited)

We started off with LOTS of sculpey clay and pens.  Hmm, any ideas on what we made?

Hannah and the duo CREATING.  And we talked about the year, thanking each of the teachers, talking about the special memories......and how we are already looking forward to next year!

We made pens for each teacher.  We thought about colors and tried to match meaningful colors to each teacher.  The yellow/black one was for our bus driver who is ever so patient with us.  The green/yellow pen was for one of the staff who Liam said "she luves John Deere's like me".  And the red/white one was for Tommy's nurse because it reminded us of the red cross.  Tommy's wonderful one on one aide (although no one called her that) is staying home next year to care for her family and we made her a pen with red in it because..... Tommy signed the color red this year!! 

I wrote them each a personal note.  I used a template in Word for shipping labels and it had a beautiful scroll artwork on it and worked perfectly when printed on a sheet of paper and cut out. 
I could have written an entire page of observations, gratitude, sharing and encouragement because each teacher has been such a gift to us this year and so absolutely fun everyday.

Thank you preschool team!  See you all in the fall.  Stay tuned this week for our progress updates and our homeschooling summer very flexible 'plan'.

Tommy Adventures