Hard to believe the first week of 2012 is done. Where does the time go so quickly?
I'm going to try to blog once a week if not more often. I absolutely love sharing our family joys and trials, but it seems like time is so precious I don't blog as often as I would love to. But I absolutely love the encouragement and sharing that I get with other mommy bloggers and friends.
So here is our week in review.
Monday we enjoyed playing at our neighbor Mitchell's house. Liam and Mitchell dressed up and really had fun together. So I got a chance to visit with my friend Tiffany and dream about gardening and farming changes coming up this spring. Tiffany homeschools her kids and is always busy, so this was a nice treat to visit.
Wednesday is our Awana evening for Liam and I. We go to a church that we don't attend for their wonderful program. Nate babysat Tommy until Colin got home from work late which was wonderful not to have to watch my gypsy wandering (and non verbal) child and just concentrate on Liam. The Awana teachers are amazing and surprised the kids with a "snow ball fight" with styrofoam peanuts. I really enjoy helping the kids with their crafts and practicing their bible verses. Such a sweet program and Liam really enjoys it.
Nate and Hannah started back to school at Whatcom (they do Running Start) Community college on Wednesday. Nate made my lunch while he was making his own. And when I got to work I had to laugh because he labeled EVERY single ziplock baggy with my name. So cute!
On Saturday we went to a very fun birthday party for my 6 year old nephew Andrew down in Monroe. It was a swimming party and Colin and I had fun swimming with the twins. And it was very apparent we need more swim lessons!
After the party, and since we were in Monroe, we knew my mom was sick (with a bad head cold) and my parents would probably love some help with chores and a homemade meal so we ran thru a grocery store and then stopped by. I made lasagna and Liam and i picked up all the pruning sticks my dad (89 years young) had just finished doing. What a fun day to spend with both my sister and her son plus my parents.
Today started off not so great. I had planned to return to attend church at our 'old' church which I miss so much but woke to a flat tire on the van. And I mean FLAT tire. So Colin was busy replacing the tire but not in time for church. Bummer. Unloaded the twins and changed my plans for the day. I did have plans to meet Hannah for coffee and help her on her senior culminating project, a high school requirement, which she is doing for Down syndrome outreach. Since she is staying at her dad's house mostly, I really treasure the time that I see her. She is doing great with recovery but relationships are still stressful so our time together is usually stressful for her and I'm so sorry for those feelings. Although she cancelled our coffee, she and her boyfriend Brandon came over for dinner (spaghetti and caesar salad plus apple dumpling desserts) and a rouing game of monopoly.
The boys having fun with their sister while she had time to play with them.
Brandon and Liam as monopoly parteners
I forget what day this was taken on but I just love the way God can paint a sky!
Tommy and Liam really get into their mini air hockey table fun!
Lots going on this week to look forward too. I'm having a small procedure on Monday (and kinda anxious so I would appreciate prayers for comfort and peace), Tuesday we will be in Seattle all day at Children's and then me and Colin have a surprise planned (shhh, he turns 50!!)