First, I decided to crawl up the stairs. Yep. I wanted to follow Liam upstairs to our bathtub and mommy seemed to want me to crawl up them stairs ... so up I went. Now I only went up three stairs and there are about twenty or so all together.... BUT I CRAWLED UP THREE STAIRS!!! Huge.
We met our Occupational therapist at a park today to work on moving around and fine motor skills. Our family resource coordinator came too! She helped us with a 6 month update. We really like both of them. I was a CRAB. Totally not cooperative. But Liam enjoyed playing there in the creek and with daddy!
And last but not least... we enjoyed our FIRST ice cream cone today. At the dairy, we said hi to the cows and then each had a .... strawberry swirl.
The last new development is that I get fitted for my Jump Start foot orthotics next week. Our OT noticed that my ankles pronate and I could benefit from them, so after we get those..... the shoe hunt begins for something that will fit 'em. We could benefit from anyone that has found shoes to fit Jump Start's. I really enjoy standing up and moving my feet around... someone keeps saying "walk" or "keep going with your steps".... no idea what they are talking about, I just have a new vantage point for toys. :)