Actually, education. Obviously our goals as parents is to create life long learners. Curious people who ask questions and want to learn about the world we live in. Even as they become young adults and all the way thru their older years. Yes grades and progress are important at some level, but I really hope all four of them become life long learners.
Hannah joyfully announced today she started spring break from Running Start. She has enjoyed two high school classes plus one of the community college courses. Next quarter she is taking three college level classes plus one at the high school, whew! Hannah is an excellent creative writer and her voice really comes across when she writes.
Nate has been busy with sophmore year and steadily working on honors biology and algebra II. Of course he has pe, english, history too. When his focus is on learning he does really well. Nate is very curious about the world, loves to debate current issues and discuss his thoughts. He has a spatial brain so math and physics concepts are easily understood.
Tommy is doing great in his Pre-K program. At a recent conference we all discussed the value of sight words and pictures for Tommy in combination with sign language. So I'm starting the "See and Learn program" at home. I like it because there are plenty of instructions, it's fun, and it's free! I've got to call my friend Steph and see about her laminator and make some progress on getting these words and pictures a little more.... Tommy proof. People with Ds are visual learners I understand so this is an exciting program to use. Tommy is interested in sensory exploration; if it's musical, tactile or visually interesting he wants to learn more about it.
Liam is also doing great in his Pre-K program. We are starting fun home studies on BOB books, some prewriting coloring, and pre math patterns with sorting and puzzles. Liam is a sweet boy who is slowly learning and blossoming. He loves to learn about mechanical aspect of anything, so we need to keep his interest by making things move, roll, tumble, and keep learning low key and fun.
Grace Unhinged -- A mom's daily ramblings of raising a daughter and three sons. Young adults, twin boys, a farm with goats to chickens, gardening and quilting, work and my sweet husband especially. Taking a day at a time and by the grace of God, we make it thru.