Tuesday, April 29

Still home ... and sick

Mom had the bright idea to try and go somewhere today... we had other plans for her. Look at this mischevious face! Liam and I got sick in the van. That made her turn around real quick. We feel better this afternoon so we are playing in our bus.

Sometimes we need to do maintenance work in our bus. Liam is getting the tires, and I'm making sure all the beads are in place.

Look at this handsome driver!

And the best is last... my usual two handed hold on something and then bam! A one handed hold! Mommy has to help me get into this position... she has me sit on her leg while she is sitting.. then I push up to a stand. If I have my shoes on then I like to stand up for awhile.

Sunday, April 27

The sequel

Liam and I have the same bug that we came back from Hawaii with. After 10 days on Augmentin (antibiotic), daddy took us to the pediatrician on Saturday because we started the same symptoms again. Mommy, Nate and Hannah were at a horse show.... so daddy was on his own. And can I tell you how FABULOUS my daddy is? He takes really good care of us. If only mommy would stop calling his cell phone and asking "how are things going?".

The dr said Liam has double ear infection (STILL) and I have the same upper respitory bug. Heavy sigh. Back on another 10 days of Augmentin. And back to **LOTS** of poopy diapers. Mommy is tired. See last night in the wee hours of the morning, daddy got sick. And he hasn't had any energy today. So mommy has been wiping butts, bleaching down bathrooms, running the washing machine (Dear Lord don't EVER let my washing machine breakdown), using the Lysol wipes everywhere, making chicken noodles and dumplings for those that want to eat.... and rocking to sleep those that don't want to eat.

This bug needs to leave our home..... now. So, no developmental therapy tomorrow, no feeding therapist, no OT.... Just lots of time at home to get better and rest. Please say a prayer for our health to return soon.

Friday, April 25

Pictures from this week

Finally mommy got her act together and took some pictures! Here are some random pictures from this week to enjoy:

Mommy, me and Liam at Promise. Mommy and daddy were both at work today, so we went to Promise and had LOTS of fun. But before mommy left for work.... the teachers said something about a mommy's day surprise so they took this SWEET picture of the three of us.

Here is the only picture mommy snapped of me at Children's this week. She wanted to get more pictures, but the appt just didn't go the way we wanted it to!

Hannah has the WONDERFUL opportunity to have a 4-H horse project. She was given a free older horse named Mac (huge blessing) and has taken great care of him. She will be showing him tomorrow at a horse show in Lynden. Go big sista!

Here is my younger brother asleep with the feed bag on! Hey, those were mashed potatoes and gravy.... come'on Liam, wake up!

Wednesday, April 23

Cardiology follow up

Yesterday I went to see the heart doctors at Children's as a follow up to my open heart surgery last year.

While mommy and I waited for our appointment the clowns came to visit us! They were SO SILLY! I was laughing, mommy was singing their silly songs and I tried to pop all the bubbles they were blowing..... if only we could have visited the clowns and then gone home.

We had three doctors join us for the appointment because I'm so cool! I didn't really enjoy any of them though. They did an EKG and talked to mommy about continuing the heart medications. The mitral valve has a "moderate" leak. A bunch of blood goes this way and that way and gets all mixed up... it's called regurgitation. Not what we wanted to hear.

What's next? We will be heading back to see these doctors in October for an echocardiogram and a look at the valve. We will know more about a plan of action at that point.

Monday, April 21

More farm animals

Today at playgroup they had farm animals! Once I saw that table with those familiar animals... I got right over to it. And they had real baby chicks! Liam and I had fun today with our friends.

Westward Ho!

We enjoyed the spring day with a wagon ride from big sis Hannah. I look serious only because the wagon stopped for these silly pictures. Once the wagon started to go.... I smiled and had my hands in the air! Thank you Hannah!

Friday, April 18

Tater man soup

Mom brought home a funny looking toy. It was a Mr. Tater Man. Liam and I didn't really know how or why we should play with this toy.
Mommy seemed to really enjoy taking his eyes off, his hat off and his nose.... naming the parts of "tater man"... then naming our body parts... anyway, her game got boring in a hurry.
So Liam and I made pretend 'soup' out of him. Not literally, but that's how we played with him. We took him apart and with mommy's help we placed him in ...and out of bowls and she gave us big spoons to stir the pretend pots with. That was much more fun with tater man.

Wednesday, April 16

Occupational therapy

So, mommy says that OT work is hard and I agree! Miss S came to our home to help me learn how to stand holding onto the couch or onto a toy. I liked it alot, but then I wanted to sit down. Usually mommy helps me plop down. But Miss S had other ideas that I didn't really agree with.... like having me stand without locking my knees, and then bending my knees to sit down instead of my usual plop. Finally, I got real tired of the whole thing and started batting her away with my hand. I saw mom snickering but she wasn't helping me at all! This was no fun at all.
Then mom drug those biker shorts out for me called Hip Helpers. I had to stand in them, crawl in 'em, and go from a sit to a crawl. Absolutely no fun and I let everyone know how I felt about it. Nope, not enjoying that one at all. Mommy doesn't look forward to that homework.
Liam decided to help me have fun with the puzzle that Miss S brought. Including a game called find the puzzle pieces (he hid them throughout the house).
Then Miss S let me color with really cool crayons for lil hands like mine... I liked coloring. Then mommy noticed Liam eating the crayons. Gee whiz lil' brother, this was MY therapy fun.
And last, drum roll please, we stacked blocks. I stacked two blocks! Usually I just bang them together and then throw them. But I could tell Miss S was really into stacking them. Yep, I stacked 'em with her. Pretty cool? Mommy was really excited. Gee whiz mom, this is MY therapy fun.

Monday, April 14

We are home

Home and sick. Yep. Still sick. Mommy, Nate, Liam and Tommy are on antibiotics now. Tommy and Liam have ear infections and goopy eyes. Mommy and Nate have a horrible cough. Hopefully we will be healthy again soon.

Thursday, April 10


Since Mommy and Daddy spent the afternoon with big brother Nate, mommy thought she would spend some time with big sister Hannah too. Liam and I really needed a long nap so we stayed at the condo with daddy. It looked like mommy and Hannah had a fun late afternoon at the Hilton Waikoloa pools!

This last picture is of Hannah with her name written in white corral on black lava stones. Why? Well, her friend Alyssa was here last week (the week prior to our vacation) and Aly set up a scavanger hunt for Hannah and thru all the clues we were able to find the final 'treasure'.... her name had been written by Aly in the lava stones! Such a fun thing to find.

Submarine Ride

Mommy and daddy enjoyed the afternoon without us today! We were babysat for two hours by Michael/Robert and big sister Hannah so that mommy/daddy could enjoy a submarine snorkeling adventure. And guess what? The adults survived the babysitting adventure! Mommy knew us babies would be fine, but that we might wear out the adults :)

Big brother Nate went on the submarine too although he wasn't feeling well at all! Cousin Willie and auntie Shawnee had fun on the submarine too.

They took a boat ride out to where the submarine was docked.

The blue picture above was of a sunken ship and there were LOTS of fishes living there!

Captain Cook - AHOY!

What am I doing in the car when we are in Hawaii? Well, daddy wants to visit his friend Will and wife Robin in Captain Cook. So, away we go!

The airline was generous to 'lend us' a car seat. Note to all the other mommies and daddies out there, don't take the airline up on this when the carseat you packed has been lost. Just cut your losses and go purchase a new one which we did later this day. The loaner was horrible.

Will and Robin own a 3 acre farm and we had plenty of chances to relax! They have 75 avocado trees, countless macadamia nut trees, myers lemons, papaya and mango trees. And, most important they had wild turkeys! I guess these crazy birds roam the big island. Mommy laughed every time she saw one of these ugly guys running around.

I'm still sick. Mommy and daddy had to drag the nebulizer and cpt thing along to the island. Big brother Nate is now sick too. Liam and mommy have the sickness in their eyes now too (nice pink eyes). Blah!

Monday, April 7

Pictures to enjoy - ALOHA!

I'm going to post these without captions as the only thing we have to say is "Wish You Were HERE!!!" Aloha!

Perhaps tomorrow we will venture out beyond our pool :) We are still waiting for the airline to lend us a carseat for the one they lost. But when you are in Hawaii.... who cares if your mommy and daddy can't leave and drive somewhere!

Sunday, April 6

We are in Hawaii!

Even though we were flying on ATA and our plans were temporarily canceled.... we are now in Hawaii (thank you Robert and Michael).

Friday we traveled all day including a 6 hour plane ride, 10 hour layover in Honolulu, and then the last flight was 45 minutes into Kona.  Liam and Tommy did great!  They are patient travelers and interested in everything in the airport and on the plane.  

Hawaii is gorgeous.  I will need to post more pictures of Tommy in the water, he really enjoys splashing and feeling the sand.  Liam loves to run all over and get chased by his big sister.  Hannah and Nate of course are loving the weather and the water.

Tuesday, April 1

No Fooling!

We are sick again. AGAIN! No this isn't an April Fool's day joke. This time with a chest cold. Mommy got it on Sunday, then I started coughing Monday, now today the Liam, me and mommy are staying home to recover. No developmental playgroup yesterday, no OT today, just lots of naps and juices.

We have to recover! Friday we leave for vacation. So, mommy is attacking this cold. She brought out my nebulizer! I love to suck on it and inhale the vapors. Here is a sample of my daily meds.

Here is a picture of all six of us, nothing glamorous, just lots of love and fun! Mommy had just returned from church is the only reason she resembles 'cleanness'. Thanks aunt Debbie for taking our picture!

And last but not least, mommy had to work in a picture of my current eats. All with no teeth! I ate about half of the hamburger, and everything else! Those mini tater tots go down real easy!

Tommy Adventures