Her knowledge and skills are amazing. And her kids were an absolute delight! With her six youngest in tow and my four we were delightfully outnumbered with giggles and lots of activity.
Tommy and Jordan are only months apart in age and both are so cute together, the little blondies! They both had clogged tear duct procedures, ear tubes and similar g-tubes. We had a lot to talk about :)
One of her daughters climbed our pie cherry tree and enjoyed a treat.
All the kids had a wonderful afternoon playing together. The ten kids blended so well. We milked our visiting goat, ate spaghetti dinner and finished the evening off with rootbeer floats and lots of good conversation. My Liam wanted to go home with them :) He didn't want the fun to come to an end. A very nice visit! We will meet their family at a local park on Wednesday night and get to visit one more time before they go far back to their real home.