Wednesday, May 14

Road Map to Holland

With an opening chapter of "At first, it hurts to breathe"; Jennifer Graf Groneberg's new book "Road Map to Holland" is worth the read. I just finished it last night. I consumed it in only a couple of evening reads (and usually with Tommy nested in the crook of my arm).

She has twin boys also and one boy has Down syndrome. Her feelings and thoughts are similar to ones that I have had this past year. Although Tommy has many more special healthcare issues than Jennifer's son Avery, her book speaks to basic "what to look for" medical issues in kids with Ds. She also defines and highlights the different therapies that our children need: OT, PT, Speech, etc. She lives in Montana close to where we vacation in the Bitterroot mtns each summer.

The "resources" listed in this book are comprehensive. In the back they are cited in aggregate and some have inspired me again to 'connect' with organizations.

I thought this book was great and may even suggest it to new parents out there because the resources are very contemporary.

Tommy Adventures