Sunday, June 28

Not many photos

Mom was pretty shaken up this time during our hospital stay so she didn't take many pictures. She said she needs to establish boundaries about "not breathing". Okay, I'll try my best not to do that again.

It hardly looks like I'm sick! Only a few days before this picture I was blue and not breathing.

I LOVED all the visitors. Sometimes we got to see most of our friends and family in the same day!

I really enjoyed reaching for the bubbles. Listening to the books mommy read, playing with cars, watching Finding Nemo, filled most days.
Once the oxygen wasn't needed during the day, then I could roam the hallways which was great.
And then I slept thru most of the night on room air and got to come home! Now mommy and daddy are busy with nebulizer treatments and antibiotics. But, I'll mend soon. And feel better to enjoy summer.

Tommy Adventures