Over six hundred guitars made these eye catching entrance to the EMP.
Grace Unhinged -- A mom's daily ramblings of raising a daughter and three sons. Young adults, twin boys, a farm with goats to chickens, gardening and quilting, work and my sweet husband especially. Taking a day at a time and by the grace of God, we make it thru.
Sunday, November 29
Experience Music Project
Over six hundred guitars made these eye catching entrance to the EMP.
Friday, November 27
And Michael & Robert.
Sunday, November 22
Getting ready for Thanksgiving
Cleaning the closet!
Chuck e. Cheese for Daphne's party
Liam driving yet another car. He really liked the Chuck E Cheese animated show with the computerized mouse talking and singing.... he even sang along! We are proud of you brother.
Each was much better to play inside or on top of the game......
Thursday, November 19
Thankful for IHOP ... CA-KES!
Liam was *very* into washing up before the CAKES came. His shortened word for pancakes.
Tommy snuck some kisses from daddy.
Tommy is *full* of pancakes for dinner!
A two year old with syrup? Liam did great and LOVED the treat out for dinner tonight.
Wednesday, November 18
Preschool evaluation day
Colin and I had the opportunity to bring the twins to meet their new therapists and teacher and others to be evaluated for service needs. We met with the school psychologist, the school nurse, the speech language therapist, the occupational therapist and their wonderful new teacher Miss Gayle.
Thursday, November 12
Cheer and cycling
small wee ones crept....
into the picture.....
And the best for last,
Long, long ago I myself was a cheerleader... so Hannah and I did a little cheer together. To funny! Yep, that's a black eye on me. Compliments of Liam late last week. Head bonk. Ouch.
Hannah is hoping to compete in a national competition in March and with some faith and a few pennies I'm going too to help out!
Tuesday, November 10
Preschool observation
Colin and I felt like a weight had been lifted from our shoulders driving home from the preschool. Okay, I was much more anxious about 'where' the twins attend preschool. This is a wonderful opportunity for Tommy & Liam to learn from peers, teachers and receive individualized OT and Speech/sign is huge. The teachers were just lovely in every interaction with the kids.
Later this month is their evaluation by the school district and then beginning of December is their IEP meeting. And although their third birthday is 12/12, we decided to wait until after winter break and join the class on Jan 4.
To all of you who have kids in Cascadia preschool, your kids are so stinking adorable. We look forward to meeting more families thru this opportunity, just like we did in the 0-3 yrs program.
Sunday, November 8
National adoption month
November is national adoption month and today is 'orphan' sunday. A day that can be shared the faces and stories of children waiting. Waiting in foster-adopt care here locally. Waiting nationally. Waiting internationally. What better way to share the awarness of these orphans and faces that are so heavy on my heart, than a video that an amazing mom created. Perhaps you have room in your family and heart for one more? Or perhaps you have room to share sponsoring a child so they can be closer financially to adoption. Watching this video brought tears streaming down my face!
SUPPORT those who support them …and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds... -Hebrews 10:24 Reece's Rainbow adoptions of kids with Ds and other developmental disabilities has a wonderful Christmas fundraiser, to the right is their ornament with more information on sponsoring.
We continue to pray for Millie (a little orphan that we had sponsored), to keep good health and hope that her parents (maybe you?) will come forward for adoption. There are so many children locally, nationally, internationally that are orphans. http://tommyupdate.blogspot.com/2009/10/orphan-waiting-for-her-family-to-find.html
Join us in praying for the MILLIONS of orphans.
Friday night Colin, Nate and Hannah went to enjoy movies (I say plural because Hannah met a friend and went to a different movie than Colin and Nate). Fun was had by all. Tommy, Liam and I made homemade playdough and just hung out at home.
Saturday I had the opportunity to attend a supportive parent training sponsored by our county Parent 2 Parent. It's called "Helping Parent" support and offers newly diagnosed parents the ability to be matched with a parent who has personal experience with that particular diagnosis. The offer of someone to listen, to care, to not try to fix everything but rather be supportive and listen is wonderful!
But the best part of the weekend was Grandma Sue drove up and gave us the chance to get out together! She gave Tommy his g-tube feeding and I did his last nebulizer for the day and G'ma and the twins did fantastic. Colin and I had a hot date night. We went to the Temple Bar in B'ham and listened to fantastic live jazz, then walked on down to the Upfront Theatre which has live comedy improv and laughed our butts off..... and even topped the evening off with *trying* to watch a late night movie. We fell asleep about a quarter of the way into the movie. Too funny! Guess we need more practice at taking care of ourselves and date nights.... Thank you G'ma Sue!
Hope each person reading this takes time to take care of themselves. Even twenty minutes to just sit and relax in silence re-energizes our internal batteries. During the Helping Parent training some of the other parents had *fantastic* ways they take care of themselves. My friend Allison was there and she is one fantastic mom and shared so many ideas with me (baths, camping w/kids w/special needs, preschool, etc). I feel like I'm energized again and not in the pit of last week! Go ahead, turn the computer off and go take time for yourself!
Monday, November 2
Retro post
Baldness times two... double baldy heads...
Shiny bald peach heads of babies...
These photos were between 3 mos and 10 mos old. Next month the twins will be 3 years old! Where does the time go? And where are those peach headed baldies? They are stuffing their faces with Halloween candy and driving their sister and brother crazy.
Sunday, November 1
Halloween 2009
After pumpkin carving and drinking some witches brew (crockpot apple juice/pineapple juice/lime jello package and allspice).... it was off to trick or treat with our cousins.
I'm woody from Toy Story!
Here we are with most of my cousins (missing Andrew). They taught us how to trick or treat real quick! And were always helpful.
Of course my mommy just LOVES her niece Madison. It doesn't get any better than her in that costume.
HUGE thanks to Uncle Rob and Aunt Debbie who as usual are mommy's extra hands with a child who thought he was a cross between a bat and a gypsy (Tommy), many times on a dead run thru the night air in the wrong direction. Uncle Rob always had a great sense of humor! THANK U!
Our treat bags were sooo cool. They were made by G'ma Sue and G'aunt Elizabeth a couple of years ago. They are TINY pillow cases and have lil' pillows that mommy put back in them for the sleepy ride home. Perfect for the car seat and great for our hands to hold, thank you!
Tommy Adventures
- Experience Music Project
- Thanksgiving
- Getting ready for Thanksgiving
- Cleaning the closet!
- Chuck e. Cheese for Daphne's party
- Thankful for IHOP ... CA-KES!
- Preschool evaluation day
- Concentration
- Cheer and cycling
- Preschool observation
- National adoption month
- Re-energized
- Retro post
- Halloween 2009
- Apple picking