Sunday, November 8

National adoption month

November is national adoption month and today is 'orphan' sunday. A day that can be shared the faces and stories of children waiting. Waiting in foster-adopt care here locally. Waiting nationally. Waiting internationally. What better way to share the awarness of these orphans and faces that are so heavy on my heart, than a video that an amazing mom created. Perhaps you have room in your family and heart for one more? Or perhaps you have room to share sponsoring a child so they can be closer financially to adoption. Watching this video brought tears streaming down my face!

SUPPORT those who support them …and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds... -Hebrews 10:24 Reece's Rainbow adoptions of kids with Ds and other developmental disabilities has a wonderful Christmas fundraiser, to the right is their ornament with more information on sponsoring.

We continue to pray for Millie (a little orphan that we had sponsored), to keep good health and hope that her parents (maybe you?) will come forward for adoption. There are so many children locally, nationally, internationally that are orphans.

Join us in praying for the MILLIONS of orphans.

Tommy Adventures