Sunday, December 13

Three years ago

I wanted to share some of the twins photos from three years ago.
Their birth was a whirl wind production as well as the following month spent at Children's (our first of five inpatient stays). Things that I remember from this photo include how wonderful our family and friends were. Our neighbors the Weisenhorn family took over our organic pig farming (we left for Children's soon after the boys were born), Grandma Dorothy came and spent days upon end with us, Grandpa Bill and Grandma Sue spent each day also. My sisters, as usual, were huge encouragers. I remember we were blessed by skilled surgical teams that saved Tommy's life with a pull thru repair because of the Hirschsprung's disease. Ronald McDonald house. The Kirkland police department that unknown to us, 'adopted' our family for Christmas and decorated our Ronald McDonald room and placed wrapped presents for each of our kids! It brings tears to my eyes just remembering how special it was to come back to that room that night and have our kids enjoy a slice of Christmas amidst the struggle to keep a small boy alive. I remember how lost, absolutely lost, Colin and I were with the medical terms, conversations during rounds, ICU culture, and living in a hospital instead of our home. Since we left for Children's soon after they were born, we didn't have the opportunity to connect with other parents locally that had been thru similar experiences, we felt transported into a parallel universe! We both remember that our pastor visited us a number of times and encouraged our family in so many ways. Our faith, family and friends got us thru December 2006. And looking at the three year old toddlers tonight running around you would never know their rocky start.

Tommy Adventures