A day late but I least I didn't forget :)
I know I have mentioned the 'Yahoo groups' before for "Multiples where one or more have Ds". It's a huge support group and the posts that families put on there are great ideas. Some are related to 0-3 yrs programs, some to school age and the really exciting ones are 21 yr olds!
For Christmas one of the parents organized a photo card exchange. About thirty families world wide participated. The Christmas cards we received were of the most beautiful and amazing families! Colin and I literally ran to the mailbox each evening to "meet" new families through their letters and Christmas photos. South Africa, New Zeland, Canada..... ahhhh.
It was heartbreaking to take the photos down after Christmas. So, I decided to make a photo albulm for Tommy and Liam so they can see faces and families similar to ours. I'll post a picture of the completed album. But wanted to say, this beautiful Christmas photo exchange really worked for us!
Grace Unhinged -- A mom's daily ramblings of raising a daughter and three sons. Young adults, twin boys, a farm with goats to chickens, gardening and quilting, work and my sweet husband especially. Taking a day at a time and by the grace of God, we make it thru.
Tommy Adventures
- What works for us Wednesday
- Date night
- Occupational therapy fun
- Belated Christmas Music Recital
- Cornmeal toes
- What works for us Wednesday
- Beachcombers
- What a week
- Favorite pictures of the twins for 2008
- Note to self....
- What works for us Wednesday
- Two hours and a diagnosis
- Changed the names to protect the adorable
- Catching up