These two wouldn't stay still for long, but thought you might like to see them in their overalls together.
Lots going on this week. Last night at women's group we did a small outreach project for the homeless in our area and our bible study was on being a neighbor. There were so many women there to share a yummy taco dinner, bible study and fellowship. It was great for me to meet more people. On the way there I felt rushed because Hannah and I had squeezed in a workout at the gym. I prayed that I could feel quiet and focused once I got there on listening to the message and meeting others, just find a way to be still and hear Him. Once I sat down to eat my yummy dinner the woman next to me thought it might be nice if I spoke at an upcoming women's group on facts about Down syndrome and what it is honestly like being a parent. AND she is starting a girls high school program at the church and she asked me to speak in a way to soften their hearts as they someday think about being parents and might have a child with Ds or other developmental disability. Wow. I'm so glad I was listening! God places people in path at every turn. I welcome the opportunity to share our story and help others learn.
Grace Unhinged -- A mom's daily ramblings of raising a daughter and three sons. Young adults, twin boys, a farm with goats to chickens, gardening and quilting, work and my sweet husband especially. Taking a day at a time and by the grace of God, we make it thru.